The Manual Challenge

I have decided to challenge myself with something.
I will be shooting in MANUAL. All week.
I will not use photoshop at all this week.
I promise not to let my camera focus on anything on it's own.
I promise to control my ISO, shutter speed, and aperture completely!
( Why to shoot in manual
How to shoot in manual)
I will be posting pictures, whether good or bad, of my manually taken pictures.
I know this may not be a big deal for all those "professionals" out there, but for a pretender who switches to auto a few times during a shoot, this will be a great learning experience.
Oh yeah, another reason for all this:
I want a lensebaby!! But I want to be extremely awesome at taking pictures on manual mode before I reward myself with this beautiful lense!!
Here's something I've already done in manual(AKA a trip to the park!):
 Sometimes this happens......

Notice the difference in the lighting?
Here goes nothing!?