Dreams & Prayers

I hope all of you have noticed that I am a Christian.

My goal in life is to let as many people know that and, more importantly, let them know how they can be one, too!

Lately, I have had a few dreams {or "ideas" as normal people call them ;) }

I want to spread awareness of the lost children, mothers, fathers, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and orphans all around the world.

I know we're taught to 'Go unto to all the Nations' at church on Sunday, but how many of us think and pray for the dying world every day?

My dream is to go where the missionaries are, learn what they do, help them, photograph the people they're reaching, come back with the pictures, and help spread awareness in the heart of other Christians.

If we're looking at these precious faces every day, don't you think we'd be praying and looking for ways to help them a little more?

My ultimate goal is to be used of God.
I'm not sure if God will further this dream into a reality, but I'm willing to go.

It would be great to have these pictures posted in churches, where He might call more missionaries to foreign lands.

I need your help, though!

I can't do anything without prayer. Please pray that God will open doors, give me guidance, and soften my heart to heed to whatever He would have me to do.

Before I go anywhere, I would like to take a few photography classes and raise funds for my first trip (if that's where God leads.). While I'm doing so, I'll be taking pictures of the people in need in my community.

Please remember to pray for me :)

Precious Faces =]
Taken with by my cell camera, but precious faces nonetheless!

I just love the words of this song!
He left the comfort of His throne to fight for victory. Am I willing to leave the comfort of my home?

If you have any questions or comments about what I'm saying, leave a comment here, or message me on facebook =)
<3 Bronwyn Elizabeth